Sample project titles

MRes Project Titles
ProjectSupervisor / Department
 Single and double particle tracking in Direct Numerical Simulation of a turbulent boundary layer  Dr Sylvain Laizet / Aeronautics
 New insights into turbulent annular interfacial flows with fluorescence and particle-velocimetry laser-diagnostic techniques  Prof Christos Markides / Chemical Engineering
 Structural evolution in quasi-static flow of two-dimensional dense granular systems  Dr Rafi Blumenfeld / Earth Science & Engineering (ESE)
 Electrostatically-induced complex interfacial dynamics  Prof Omar Matar / Chemical Engineering
 The origin of near-wall streamwise vortices in wall-bounded turbulence: application of generalised optimal perturbation (GOP) theory  Prof Sergei Chernyshenko / Aeronautics
 Scattering from underwater targets: the effect of metamaterials  Prof Richard Craster / Mathematics and DSTL
 Capillary forces in multi-phase SPH  Prof Stephen Neethling / ESE
 Numerical simulation of water sloshing in a rotating tank under low gravity condition  Prof Joaquim Peiro / Aeronautics and European Space Agency
 Mass transfer phenomena in the lymphatic system  Prof Jimmy Moore / Bioengineering
 Spectral element methods and dynamic anisotropic mesh adaptations for Formula 1 simulations  Prof Spencer Sherwin / Aeronautics and Dr Gerard Gorman / ESE
 Hot plumes in Earth's mantle: complexity due to interaction with the mantle transition zone?  Prof Saskia Goes / Earth Science & Engineering
 Modelling tissue regeneration as an active fluid  Dr Chiu Fan Lee / Bioengineering
 Design of a flow chamber for testing novel theories relating blood flow to arterial disease  Prof Peter Weinberg / Bioengineering
 Theoretical and numerical analysis of pulsating flows around bluff bodies  Dr George Papadakis / Aeronautics
 Mechanical pumping of growth factors into engineered cartilage  Prof Molly Stevens / Materials
 Penguin-inspired low drag skins for Aquatic Micro Aerial Vehicles  Prof Mirko Kovac / Aeronautics
 Stochastic swimming of gyrotactic microorganisms in unsteady vortical shear flows  Dr Yongyun Hwang / Aeronautics and Dr Eric Keaveny / Mathematics
 Reduced order modelling of porous media and pipeline flows with application to oil and gas production  Prof Christopher Pain / ESE
 Modelling the thermoacoustic stability of a premixed flame in a tube combustor  Prof Xuesong Wu / Mathematics and Prof Aimee Morgans / Aeronautics
 Reducing the aerodynamic drag of a simplified road vehicle model  Prof Jonathan Morrison / Aeronautics
 The hydrodynamics of immiscible multi-fluid viscoelastic shear flows  Prof Demetrios Papageorgiou / Mathematics
 Undulatory locomotion in complex heterogeneous media  Dr Eric Keaveny / Mathematics
 Direct simulation and modelling of idealised volcanic releases  Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk / Civil & Environmental Engineering and the Met Office
 Topology optimization of gas turbines internal coolant flows  Dr Francesco Montomoli / Aeronautics
 Active fluid dynamics for drug delivery into the inner ear  Prof Tobias Reichenbach / Bioengineering
 A new approach to visualisation and quantification of mixing in large vessels using ultrasound and controlled microbubble destruction  Prof Mengxing Tang / Bioengineering and Prof Peter Vincent / Aeronautics
 Compressor surge prediction in heavy-duty diesel engines for off-road machine applications  Prof Ricardo Martinez-Botas / Mechanical Engineering
 Predicting combustion instability in an industrial gas turbine combustor  Prof Aimee Morgans / Aeronautics and Prof Bill Jones / Mechanical Engineering
 Convection in a curved vertical slot in a horizontal temperature gradient  Prof Jonathan Mestel / Mathematics
 Flow between concentric, differentially rotating spheres  Prof Dan Moore / Mathematics
 The effect of shear and normal stress on the flow of engineering fluids  Dr Janet Wong / Mechanical Engineering
 Controlling fluid flow by sound  Dr James Choi / Bioengineering and Prof Matt Jackson / Earth Science & Engineering
 Near wall models for large eddy simulation  Prof Bill Jones / Mechanical Engineering
 Development of parallel meshing for aeronautical applications  Prof Joaquim Peiro / Aeronautics and Aircraft Research Association
Projects offered to students in 2014-15
PhD Project Titles
ProjectSupervisors / Departments
 Fluid topology optimization and heat transfer  Dr Francesco Montomoli / Aeronautics 
 Crack propagation in the drying of blood drops  Prof Omar Matar / Chemical Engineering and Prof Richard Craster / Mathematics
 Chemokine transport in and around the lymphatic system  Prof Jimmy Moore / Bioengineering and Prof Joaquim Peiro / Aeronautics
 Active fluid dynamics for drug delivery into the inner ear  Prof Tobias Reichenbach / Bioengineering and Prof Jonathan Mestel / Mathematics
 Understanding Circum-Pacific tectonics: Numerical subduction modelling of variable density plates  Prof Saskia Goes / Earth Science & Engineering (ESE) and Prof Richard Craster / Mathematics
 Active fluid mechanics: Actomyosin networks and tissue regeneration  Dr Chiu Fan Lee / Bioengineering and Dr Gunnar Pruessner / Mathematics
 Shock waves down the length scales and physiological relevance  Dr Spyros Masouros / Bioengineering and Dr William Proud / Physics
 Effect of free-stream turbulence on free shear flows  Dr Sylvain Laizet / Aeronautics and Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk / Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
 Adjoint methods for thermoacoustic instability  Prof Peter Schmid / Mathematics and Prof Aimee Morgans / Aeronautics
 Development and application of dynamic mesh optimization for numerical simulation of groundwater flow and contaminant transport  Prof Matt Jackson / ESE and Prof Adrian Butler / CEE
 Computational and experimental optimization of nutrient transport in mechanically stimulated engineered tissues  Prof Molly Stevens / Materials and Dr Richard Abel / Surgery & Cancer
 Development and application of hrp-adaptivity for high performance numerical modelling of multiphase flow on unstructured meshes  Prof Christopher Pain / ESE and Prof Omar Matar / Chemical Engineering
 Gulf stream dynamics with primitive equations  Dr Pavel Berloff / Mathematics and Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk / CEE
 Spectral element methods and mesh adaptations for Formula 1 simulations  Dr Gerard Gorman / ESE and Prof Spencer Sherwin / Aeronautics
 Turbulent wake effects in tidal turbine arrays: A numerical and experimental study  Prof Matt Piggott / ESE and Prof Colin Cotter / Mathematics
 Shock/boundary layer interaction unsteadiness in laminar and transitional flows  Dr Paul Bruce / Aeronautics 
 Concerted fluid thread break-up under microfluidic confinement  Prof Joao Cabral / Chemical Engineering and Prof Richard Craster / Mathematics
 Nonlinear stability of immiscible multi-fluid viscoelastic shear flows  Prof Demetrios Papageorgiou / Mathematics and Prof Omar Matar / Chemical Engineering
 Nonlinear evolution and acoustic radiation of large-scale coherent structures in turbulent jets  Prof Xuesong Wu / Mathematics and Prof Christos Vassilicos / Aeronautics
 New insights into turbulent annular interfacial flows with combined fluorescence and particle-velocimetry laser-diagnostic techniques  Prof Christos Markides / Chemical Engineering and Dr Oliver Buxton / Aeronautics
 Lagrangian measurement and calculation of the dispersion of droplets and of their vapour trails in turbulent flows  Prof Alex Taylor / Mechanical Engineering and Prof Christos Vassilicos / Aeronautics
 Effect of buoyancy on turbulent entrainment in environmental flows  Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk / CEE and Prof Christos Vassilicos / Aeronautics
 Bio-mimetic drag-reduction strategies for multi-modal mobility in nature and robotics  Prof Mirko Kovac / Aeronautics and Prof Omar Matar / Chemical Engineering
 What role does blood flow play in the initiation of arterial disease?  Prof Peter Weinberg / Bioengineering, Prof Spencer Sherwin / Aeronautics and Prof Justin Mason / NHLI
 Acoustic metamaterials and homogenisation methods  Prof Richard Craster / Mathematics and DSTL
 Thermo-acoustic oscillations in industrial gas turbine combustion chambers  Prof Bill Jones / Mechanical Engineering and Siemens
 Large eddy simulations of liquid-fuelled combustion under gas turbine conditions  Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez and Siemens
 Low order modelling of thermoacoustic instability in an industrial gas turbine combustor  Prof Aimee Morgans / Aeronautics, Prof Bill Jones / Mechanical Engineering and Siemens
 Modelling the effect of small excrescences on wing performance  Dr Shahid Mughal / Mathematics, Prof Spencer Sherwin / Aeronautics and Airbus
Projects offered to students in 2014-15

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CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme